
Saturday 8 May 2010


Wow, what a hectic month......hence the massive delay in posting! Now I have the problem of where to begin..

SO, April was mostly consumed with DIY. The main objective? My office! At last, 4 mood boards, 4 weeks and about 40 paint testers later its finally FINISHED! Well almost, still waiting for the doors for the built-in cupboards to be fitted but apart from that its FINISHED!!! Really chuffed with the results! I'll be blogging about that in a later post....

In between painting, filling, sanding, varnishing, painting, painting and more bloody PAINTING I have been working on quite a few freelance design jobs for a couple of main clients. I'm hoping this should keep the business ticking over nicely, its certainly been a great start!

On top of all that we made two trips to Glasgow this month, the first to see BRMC with Christopher and Claire (amazing gig, one of the best I've been to). The second to see LCD Soundsystem. It was just the two of us and the lovely John kindly provided us with bed, breakfast & transport. Also a great gig....well, what I can remember of it anyway! (John, if you are reading this sorry again about the chair and the ken a luv ya! haha)

Glasgow Barrowlands
Definitely one of my favourite venues, a little bit grimy but retro as hell, ALWAYS have the best nights there!

Just ACE!

Some more housey stuff I love...

More posts soon!


  1. Hello!! Just read you comment on Pickle Boo - thank-you!! Really need to get going with another post but there never seems to be the time...maybe Tuesday and then I'll have some lovely photos of Hollyrood from tomorrow!!

    Loved seeing your photos from Glasgow. I think Barrowlands is my favourite venue too...skanky toilets and dodgy hangers-aboot but great gigs every time I've's been too long.

    Glad you enjoyed Friday, will definitely get another similar night organised. Everyone had different levels of experience (and interest!) but everyone was so pleased with what they had made which was great.

    Drew out a plan of the new study yesterday - floor plan and a drawing of what each wall will look like - can't believe how much it has helped 'tidy' it all up in my head and how much I changed things from what I had originally thought we would buy. Think a mood board will be next but may need a bit of help with that...Going to stop in by Ikea on the way down to Harrogate in a couple of weeks for a bit of a re-con then plan on buying everything start of next month.

    Off out to cut the grass and weed the front garden and plant some trees - there's still so much to do but we'll get there!!

    Ooh, and check you out with 13 followers!! I did have 29 for a while but seem to have lost one!! Speak soon. xx

  2. ps..Molly just spotted the piccie of the jar of white chocolate sweeties and is now taking a strop cos she wants one!! Hope Mum's got some with her today!! xx

  3. Hey honey the pictures look great especially the LCD Soundsystem ones(well worth you going AWOL to the mosh pit to get them!!!!!!) Whats the crack with my barnet though it looks like a space helmet. Can't wait to see the office photos.
    Love you loads xxx

  4. thank you for your comment!
    i love your photographs by the way, what camera do you use?
    also did you make your header yourself, it's beautiful!

