Sunday 9 May 2010

The Office....

So here is my lovely new office! What do you think???

The 4th and final mood board...

....and some very rough plans!

Got loads of cool cards from the lovely Faye at Johnny Come Lately which I framed to add splashes of colour to my white backdrop.


The computer cupboard.

The mirror which I plan to make into a pin board.

I love my new office!!!!! It makes me so happy and its such and inspiring space to work.....job done!! Hope you like it?



  1. Wow!! It looks so beautiful, such a lovely atmosphere!!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  2. Your office is amazing! And love the typewriter. The whole space looks really pretty and well organized, I'd love a work area like this!

    And Jeff looks pretty special, did you make him?

  3. Oooh, I love it!

    It looks really 1950's and kitsch. Love the retro typewriter!

    Canna wait to see it properly at the weekend.

    M xx

  4. Thanks for the comments! Sadly I didn't make Jeff, a girl who worked in a local vintage shop made them from old t-shirts! Was always wanting to give it a bash myself....just another thing on the long list of craft projects I'd like to do one day!

  5. Hi honey,
    The office is looking really smart canna believe it's the same room comparedto that pink hell it was.We did heaps to that room in a month eh? Now you've got a nice space to do your cards.
    Missin' yi hunners!!
    Love you xxx

    ps You forgot to mention Betty, Jeffs pal!!

  6. Oh wow, I'm honoured to have my cards framed in such a beautiful room!

  7. Very, very, very pretty...xx

  8. Hi,

    Sorry to leave a comment but I can't find your email address. I would love to talk to you about designing my wedding invites, my email is, if you get a chance

  9. Looks great! Love your blog!

  10. Oh wow! This makes me old table top sitting on a pair of ikea kitchen cabinets in the corner of our bedroom look really, really crap.

  11. This is a gorgeous post! I totally adore your blog! It's lovely!
    Love from

  12. Hi, it looks amazing. Where is the computer cupboard from please? It is exactly what I have been looking for.

  13. Gorgeous! Your desk is exactly like what I've been looking for, for my home office. Do you by chance recall where it's from?

  14. How did you attach your table top to those ikea Alex draw units?

  15. I'm so glad I found the original post for the desk image! Where did you get the shelves and handing rounded pots? This is so inspirational!

  16. These ideas are just great for my new sewing room!
